Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Right or Privilege?

Gift or privilege is something that we receive from someone out of his own choice,It's not something that we own or have fundamental right to receive.However this seems to be the case.

Dowry-It started as the father of the bride out of concern and affection for her daughter gave her the material things( in tune with his capacity) he hoped would aid her in her new phase of life.As she wont be in front of his caring eyes all the time anymore.It was a noble deed given purely out of affection and care rather than being arm-twisted,coaxed, threatened,scared,etc.
Caste based reservation-The constitution framers while framing the constitution kept in mind that there is a section of society which belongs to the lowest strata,have no hope of getting out of their pathetic condition by themselves.So a special right i.e. was caste based quota was framed for them,which would help them in becoming self-reliant.

Both dowry and caste based were given as a privilege,a gift.However human nature is such if we keep getting something we start considering it as a right.People will kill to get the dowry, butcher the bride,burn her alive and for quota there is a collective arousal of conscious there are widespread agitations ,blocking of traffic,sitting on railway tracks,disrupting the normal functioning of the society.They demand vehemently for them and are ready to go to any length to have them.
Is this misguided sense of right,right.Have the people become self-reliant or more reliant.Has the life for the girl improved or became hell.Both the cases are clear examples of well-meaning intention gone wrong.And example of when thin line between privilege and right gets erased.